2025 RWMC
Sign up for our newsletter
The Republican Women of Mason County would love for you to be a part of our organization. We have monthly meetings with wonderful speakers and/or subjects.
Email us with any questions: MCWomensClub@gmail.com OR Follow us on Facebook! (above link)
Please join us!
Our membership funds are used for various events, advertising, speaker lunches, overhead for meetings, community outreach and to help our Republican Candidates. MEMBERS are essential to our group!
Membership Options
• Basic for Women $25
• Basic for Men $15
• Platinum for Men or Women $100
NEW Monthly Membership!
YOU pick the monthly automatic deduction
*Men are not voting members but can participate in team leading with Platinum memberships.
*With a purchase of the Platinum, the husband has a standard membership included.
Give us your thoughts & ideas on speaker/subjects, events you'd like to see, if our days/times are not easy for you to attend our meetings, etc. THANK YOU!
Volunteers ALWAYS Welcome!
Join this amazing team!
Social Media/Website/Email
Events Planning
Volunteer Coordinator
Phone Calling